Dandelions are excellent vegetables for domestic rabbits. They're also very nutritious and safe for rabbits to eat. Just be sure to introduce them gradually, in very small quantities at first. It's also important to make sure the dandelions haven't been treated with herbicides.
However, you should not allow your rabbit to eat large quantities of dandelions at a time. This is because dandelions are high in calcium, and too much calcium can sludge up the rabbit's urinary tract and cause other health problems. Also, too many dandelions can cause your rabbit's stomach to be upset, and it may lead to watery stools. If you've accidentally given your rabbit too much dandelion, you should immediately take it out of its diet.
You can also give your rabbit dandelion roots. These are a great source of protein and vitamins for rabbits. They also contain antioxidants that can help prevent cancer.
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