The Surprising Benefits Of Feeding Plums to Domestic Rabbits

The Surprising Benefits Of Feeding Plums to Domestic Rabbits. The Surprising Benefits of Prunes for Domestic Rabbits. Surprising Health Benefits of Prunes for Domestic Rabbits. The Danger of Prunes for Domestic Rabbits. The Dangerous Side of Prunes for Rabbits. Prunes: A Natural Remedy for Constipation in Domestic Rabbits. Vitamins from Prunes: Essential for Domestic Rabbits. At BackyardBunnyNews, we help people who want to raise rabbits and bunnies by collating information about the hare-raising experience. One question that is asked frequently by rabbit owners is, "Can domestic rabbits eat plums?" The answer to that question is a resounding "yes!" Although domestic rabbits can eat plums, eating these fruits is not recommended for pets. Prunes are high in fiber and potassium, but they can also cause gastrointestinal obstruction. They also contain cyanogenic glycosides, which are toxic to rabbits. The Surprising Benefits Of Feeding Plums to Domestic Rabbits


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