Can Jamora Rabbits Make the Perfect Pet? What Makes Angora Rabbits So Special? Can the Carmagnola Grey Rabbit Make a Good Pet? What Makes the Chinchilla Giganta Rabbit So Special? Angora rabbits are a beautiful breed of rabbit that can live a long life with proper care. Unfortunately, this breed is prone to certain health problems. These problems are related to their large coats and the fact that they can ingest their fur, which can lead to blockages. They also can get overheated, which is why it's important to regularly check up on your rabbit's health. Angora rabbits are not suitable for a household with small children. They tend to be prone to matting. Their coats are so dense that it's difficult for judges to detect defects in them under their dense wool. They are also prone to dewlaps and poor leg carriage. Angora rabbits have beautiful, long fur. The coat is a combination of Japanese and Angora - both breeds have distinctive contrasting markings and colors. They are a combination of the Angora and the Hermelin, which is a type of small rabbit.
Can Jamora Rabbits Make the Perfect Pet?
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