What Is the Angora Rabbit Breed? Do Angora Rabbits Require a Lot Of Attention? Are Angora Rabbits Sensitive to Heat and Cold? Do Angora Rabbits Suffer From Wool Mites? Are Angora Rabbits Prone to Viral Hemorrhagic Disease? Angora Rabbits require specialized grooming to keep their coats in top condition. They typically shed three to four times per year. Grooming them is essential to prevent problems with wool buildup. Angora rabbits do not need baths, but they will need a lot of attention in the coat department. Angora rabbits have an extremely long coat, making them suitable for those who want a soft, fuzzy pet. Their long, silky fur needs daily brushing and shearing a few times a year. Although they are relatively gentle pets, they should never be left outdoors without adequate shelter. In addition, their housing must be predator-proof. Angora rabbits need plenty of hay. You can purchase a hay feeder rack at any pet store. Angora rabbits also require regular nail trimming to keep their nails trimmed. Long nails can lead to broken toes or bloody nails. To cut long nails, use a cat nail cutter or a dyke. If your rabbit does suffer from a nail infection, you can use styptic powder or cornstarch to stop the bleeding. Angora rabbits are sensitive to heat and drafts. They do well in cool weather, but they do not do well in warm weather. For these reasons, you should provide your angora rabbits with a comfortable home and keep them out of drafts.
What Is the Angora Rabbit Breed?
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